By Asami
Living is Traveling, and Life is Art.
Quotes for Surviving
Powerful words to read on when life sucks.
- Tool "Lateralus"-
偶然と 俺を当惑させる全てのものに
自分の意志と変化に従い 誰も知らない境地に導かれていく
最後まで螺旋に身を任せ 誰も知らない境地に導かれていく
I'm reaching up and reaching out.
I'm reaching for the random or whatever will bewilder me.
Whatever will bewilder me.
And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been.
We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been.
Spiral out. Keep going
Spiral out. Keep going
Spiral out. Keep going
This song is about how important to concentrate on the moment you encounter every minutes, every seconds. I think we are good at making life more difficult and complicated by overthinking, and always trying to have "the best". But as time doesn't stop, each moment slips through, nothing stays still. When things don't go well like I expect, I give up trying to control it. Because there is no point holding on a tree when the ground is moving. Give up and let it go, feel the space you are in. Tool "Lateralus" is a perfect song to spiral out of the world.
- Tool "Lateralus"-